The trail zig-zags down because of the incline, but there is always the off beat short cut down.
I have this thing about taking trees and pathways. I like to think I'm a deep person. This picture symbolizes the choices in the paths we take, the tree signifies life. One path is higher and easier than the other, we have to chose which one will take you home safely. Um, not really, I just take a lot of path and tree pictures, I have to figure out ways to justify them, right? But that totally made sense.
Before leaving the park, the boys waited for the train to cross the river, because that's what boys do. But I must admit, I think it's a pretty train.
And finally while driving back home, I took this last picture from inside the van.
Downtown, I really am sorry I don't know you better, but our odds are stacked against us. I hope this summer my baby and I will become close friends with the transit system and maybe then I'll visit you because I'm scared of your parking. I've already cried once before because of it, but I totally understand that it's my fault and I should just learn already how to get out of a parking lot without freaking out. You've done nothing wrong, it's all me.