This is my trusty tape measure. It came in a mini sewing kit from The Dollar Store. Hello, trusty measuring tape. You make knitting, moving furniture and measuring baby's head circumference easier. Thank you.
This is my beautiful pot of coriander growing on my windowsill. My dear mother-in-law told me to just dump a few coriander seeds into a pot of soil and water it. Three weeks later, look at the goodness.
I'm quite proud, this is the second plant that I've taken care of and is actually is a pretty green and not brown, as in dead leaves brown. The first is a mint plant, that I'm actually quite scared of because it seemed to grow with a mind of its own. I actually stopped watering it just to see if it would slow down, but ahem, here it is just a little droopy, my negligence doesn't seem to faze it.
This is a block my dear sister-in-law gave my daughter. 'A' is for how awesome she is. My sister-in-law, but my daughter is pretty awesome too.
And to finish it off, this was our lunch. Fried rice. I don't know how food photographers do what they do. It was pretty tricky trying to photograph food while you're hungry and ready to eat. Notice I'm not showing you the whole plate. That's for artistic effect and um, because there wasn't much left on the other side because... I et it. :)
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