Elk Island Park is only a 30 minute drive away from us, so it was easy for us all to pile into the van with little preparation and drive to it after breakfast one day. Baby and I probably did delay the beginning of the journey a bit, but hey we're both so cute. Well, to be exact, baby has enough cute for the both of us.
It was a gorgeous day but I think a little too soon after winter, things had not seemed to have just yet fully recuperated after the cold. Take for example the bison,

and the cattails

It's like they just woke up and have bed head but they're so beautiful it doesn't really matter.

We did see the customary welcome bison by the side of the road. Just not the herd that blocked traffic for 30 minutes last summer until a white pickup decided to show all 25 cars how we do it in Alberta and drove right through the bison like Musa (peace be upon him) parting the sea. Apparently the bison know not to stay in front of a moving vehicle. Ah, memories.

The park was very empty when we started out but while we walked along the boardwalk there was a group of kids along with their parents participating in some group
geocaching. I always wanted to geocache but it just wasn't the time to start, baby wanted to sleep pronto. And instant sleep meant a moving vehicle, so we headed back home. Not before we got some free juice boxes though (and politely declined the hot dogs), which also meant spilling fruit juice on my baby's cutest little sweatpants. Oxyclean, I think I shall look you up and I leave you, my dedicated reader (yes I know there is only one of you) with a signature green close up.

Oh and if you want free juice to spill on your baby's good clothes, visit the Parks Canada
events page for Elk Island so you know when they're handing it out.
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